Monday, November 20, 2006

heat heat heat..i love heat..

today we discovered 3 heaters at the back of the cupboard under the our house will no longer resemble a huge walk-in freezer.

i am so very happy, i might do a little dance..

Sunday, November 19, 2006

my week, by me:

monday - hosted my very first dinner party..managed to cook sausages and mash for five of us without much mishap..then forced my guests to watch 'america's next top model' (again, sorry guys..but not that sorry..), before getting rather a lot drunk, which lead to..
tuesday - lots of feeling ill in university..
wednesday - lots of feeling ill at home..
thursday - paul and lex came up..took them to the head of steam..had a lovely time..stayed up til 6.30am, which led to..
friday - a bit of feeling ill while showing paul and lex round newcastle..then pizza at home, followed by a trip to the pubs of the ouseburn valley..
saturday - workworkwork, then james was here from london in the evening..took him to the forth and bodega..lots of fun was had..especially when ian and i finally procured the seat..
sunday - workworkwork..aching feet..and now essay hell. joy.

Friday, November 10, 2006

folkie folk folk..

so today, exactly a month away from my 25th birthday, i got id'd in tesco for a bottle of wine..and she wouldn't let me have it..i'm starting to think that perhaps i should, at this stage, stop being flattered, and start worrying that maybe i am dressing like a 17 year old..

in other news, i am currently knee deep in marxist/socialist political theory and an essay on the search for happiness in 3 novels of the 1920s..whoop. despite my best efforts to stay in the house, chained to my books, i have been lured out by cunning fiends (yes, i meant fiends..) to several gigs, pubs, and last night, a folk night. yes, you heard me james currie..i went to a folk night. aren't you proud of me, you massive bummer?

am also absolutely distraught after reading that han's bike has been stolen..i actually cried at the end of her moving eulogy, and if you had known her and her bike together, you would too..