Tuesday, April 24, 2007

le snot..

am a wee bit ill..i seem to have been attacked by some kind of uber-cold/flu virus over the weekend, and it's hellbent on shaking me around, slapping me round the face, punching me in the chest, and not letting me go..meh..i'm already a good way through my second box of kleenex balm tissues since sunday, but the thought of venturing to tesco in my present state is enough to reduce me to tears..went in there on a soup/ice cream/ready brek/oranges mission yesterday, after having been to boots on a drug mission, and the high ratio of jesmond-ites (or rahs, to those who don't live here), which would normally merely enrage me, instead almost caused my brain and body to shutdown completely in my weakened condition..

..i also seem to have lost the ability to structure a coherent sentence due to this illness..oh well..

on a lighter note, i have recently ventured far enough into last fm to create my own profile, after having a look at han's when i visited her the other day..i have to say i quite like it for now (despite the fact that it doesn't seem to be working at the moment)..i'm enjoying the fact that you can listen to a radio station made up of your friends' favourite music - it's a bit like having them dj for you, in a weird, not really way..

although, talking of friends dj-ing for you in the comforst of your own room, check out biscuits, the excellent and highly amusing podcast done by my friend james and his friend roo..i can't find a direct link to it, but there is one on roo's blog, which is well worth a read also..

phew..that's quite enough for today, i reckon..think i might go and have a tiny snooze..

Friday, April 06, 2007

best tiny child ever..

this was posted on feministing today..i just had to repost it because it keeps making me laugh a lot..

Thursday, April 05, 2007


i am fed up..mostly i am fed up with the fact that i have a bad tummy again, and that this happens all the time..it's very frustrating..

also i am fed up with people telling me i must go outside just because it is sunny..i will go outside if i want to..presently i do not want to, and this does not, i think, make me a freak..

another thing i am fed up with is the fact that i cannot seem to get motivated to do work..not at all..even though i don't have much longer left of my holiday to get some serious work done, i just can't concentrate..on anything..this, also, is very frustrating..

on the whole, i am quite fed up..

..however, i am going back to oxford on tuesday, and this, i think, wil cure my fed upness very nicely..

* disclaimer: i am not really all that fed up..i'm having quite a lovely time, really..my stomach is merely clouding my judgement at the minute..sorry..